Advanced Search Engine Optimisation

Helping brands attract highly qualified organic search traffic

What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation aka. SEO refers to activities which seek to elevate a website’s listing position on search engines for specific phrases. Ultimately, it helps ensure that prospective new customers will locate a provider relevant to their product or service needs once they have performed a search and browsed the results.

How SEO Works

While some firms will fret with each pending update, you need to understand that Google has always rewarded sites that provide relevancy to the search results they display to their users. Many firms who offer SEO services have limited success when attempting to produce measurable, positive results. From our experience, the biggest companies in Australia are some of the worst offenders.
By its very nature, SEO is not a service that can be scaled. Large firms will invest in standardised proceedures to make their service offering more efficient, however Google’s algorithm is very adept at detecting similar paterns that these actions are instead detrimental to the client’s campaign.

An International World-Class SEO Company

While most of our clients are are based Australia including Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, we also have a select number of international clients in Silicon Valley (San Francisco). We are a member of an international SEO group (which shall remain nameless) where we share ideas, techniques and successes to ensure our work is world-class. Strategic partnerships extend beyond this group with other firms in the USA which help us bring industry best practice to the Australian marketplace.

Search Marketing is not dead and will always be important

Recent updates to the Google algorithm has made the practice more resource intensive than ever before. Google updates systematically clamp down on ‘spammy’ practices saving the company money, improving search result relevance and making AdWords seem that little bit more attractive (no surprise there).

Today, search engine optimisation matters more then ever due to the increasing cost of search PPC as well as the decreasing time people spend browsing results before making a decision. If you’re not high on page 1, you might as well forget about it. You’ll noticed mobile search ads dominate the first 1-2 scrolls on a phone, making things even worse for organic lower ranked business.

The difference between Advanced SEO and Regular SEO

The difference between the two is most simply explained in that one will have a large affect on your brand and one will have minimal, to no effect on your business. Due to popular demand we’ve written a more detailed explanation here. In a nutshell, our Advanvced Search Engine Optimisation campaigns focus on the first three positions (1-3) of page 1 the vast majority of clicks occur (60-85%). Furthermore, the phrases targeted, tend to be the higher volume keywords (phrases searched more often) which are notoriously more difficult to rank.

The results search engine optimization providers will give you varies wildly. In fact, poor work may actually cause a website to rank at a lower level and you could be better off doing nothing at all – we wrote a short article on this which you can read here. We’ve earned a reputation for delivering consistent results and providing customized value in a competitive marketplace. If you’re not ready to commit to a periodic campaign, ask about our advisory service instead.

The Best SEO Process You Can Follow

1 – Ensure you have selected the right keywords

Researching and selecting the best keywords is by far the most common cause for failure. Often clients will take whatever phrases their SEO agency recommends. Only through an extensive research and testing phrase will you discover the best phrases to target. Typically we find the 80/20 rule exists here meaning that most of your traffic will come from 20% of your keywords. We make sure that you’re given phrases which are….

  • searched
  • relevant to your offering
  • result in conversions

2 – Optimise the Website’s Structure via an ‘SEO Onsite’

The first phase involves conducting a comprehensive on-site audit to evaluate key elements of the website itself. This can include, but not limited to…

  • Structural code – Meta tags etc.
  • Content including images, text and video
  • Inter page linking and navigation
  • UI and UX
  • Hosting
  • Site speed and general website performance

3 – Breathe life into your domain with Offsite work

Offsite activities refer to how other websites on the internet refer to your website. This can be a ‘citation’ (text mention) or backlink (hyperlink) to your website (nofollow and follow). Without links and citations your domain will go no where.
There are many factors which determine the effectiveness of a link. Concentrating on only attaining follow links from a high page rank (PR) domain from the homepage is not a good idea. The Penguin component of Google’s algorithm is very adept at determining whether a link is deemed high or low quality. Good quality links can cost (in terms of resources) in the hundreds to thousands of dollars each. Low quality links are cheap and plentiful, but will do little and are a waste of your time.
Most SEO companies will build links via a third party link building service or even build links from their own networks (PBN). It seems with recent Google updates, that quantity will always trump quantity so focus on getting high quality links to your site instead of looking for volume.
With larger campaigns we find combining the SEO strategy with Digital PR and content marketing can attract natural citations/link building.

4 – Keep it fresh

Constant improvements and tweaks to the onsite content is needed. Similarly, it’s just as important to show Google that there are new citations and links being built in the offsite world

Final Note

Independent SEO audits and hourly consulting is available if you need pointing in the right direction, but have sufficient internal search marketing resources. Keep in mind so many people have different opinions on this subject and the internet is full of more misinformation than anything constructive.
There really is no silver bullet and the the industry is very dynamic. A technique that worked for 3 years can suddenly disappear overnight.

James Hammon & Co while, based in Melbourne, travels Australia wide including Sydney. We will assist your firm in developing a solid SEO strategy which will reap returns for years to come. Don’t be shy. Call or message us today.










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