The Champagne Strategy Podcast – Episode 12 – Keaton Hulme Jones

17 October 2020

Programmatic, display, pre-roll, containers, banner ads, skyscrapers, home page takeovers, leaderboards, Mrecs, what the hell does it all mean.

In the digital world, if you’re not advertising on search, social, audio or sponsored content, you’re most likely spending money on display advertising. Whatever you wish to call it really doesn’t matter as we’ll find out in a minute, but this complex, murky world is a black box for many.

To give some context, the cowboy days of programmatic ads is over. First there was talk of systemic ad fraud then brand safety and most recently, customer data – things have almost gotten more complex as time has worn on. And with anything complex, you have misunderstanding.

So we’re talking with one of the world’s experts in this area Keaton to clear up all the mystery, myths and misconceptions.

While tech companies won’t give much thought to this type of advertising, even large advertisers like P&G are wisening up to wastage in the supply chain – and pushing for better transparency.

With that said, often programmatic display is a favourite punching bag for commentators advocating traditional media who enjoy spreading fear and falsehoods.

If you’re aprehensive already, don’t worry, we don’t get too technical here. it’s very easy to go down a rabbit hole that leads to nowhere constructive.

With that said, if you don’t know what a server is, ior the basics of advertising terms like reach, oe impressions – this probably isn’t an episode you should listen to.

What is it, how does it work, what should we be aware of, and where is it heading?


Teaser Interview

Full Interview

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References Made in the Episode

What is display programmatic advertising? A comprehensive guide including video and explanation of terms
The first banner ad on
Sizmek Ad Server
Google Double Click Ad Server now renamed and integrated into the broader Google Marketing Platform
Bonzai Programmatic Creative Management Platform
Les Binet and Peter Field – Long and short-term advertising effects
Jeff Green, TradeDesk and the quid pro quo of the internet
Uber and Lyft advertising on top of their vehicles

Questions at the End

Books Keaton is Reading

Blue Ocean Strategy

Favourite Website

Newsletter on ad tech at Adprofs website

Piece of tech they can’t do without

GoPro and Blue Yeti Microphone

Shameless Plug

Media Wire podcast 

Best Method of Contact

LinkedIn  – Keaton’s profile is here


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This episode was edited and produced by:

John James and team

The Champagne Strategy Podcast – Episode 12 – Keaton Hulme Jones

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