How Content Marketing Grows Your Business

23 August 2016

Your website represents your brand online; it’s the virtual front door to your business and the first impression potential consumers receive about your products. Seize your consumers by the lapels as soon as they see your site and impress them with the availability, usefulness, and overall quality of your content. Once convinced that you provide excellent content on a timely basis, viewers start to transform into regular consumers and eventually into paying customers. Regular consumers who maintain a favorable impression of your site begin to share your content within their circle of contacts. The cycle of growth begins with marketing your content.

High Quality, Freely Available

It’s vitally important that your content provides real value to your potential consumers. Consumer behavior and search engines routinely filter out and ignore low quality content. Your content becomes a gateway to selling your product by allowing consumers to sample the final product and freely adding value to their lives. Consumers fall into several types. Information seekers are only interested in benefiting from your free content and have no interest in converting. Undecided parties are open to the idea of purchasing your products and value your content for its practicality and persuasiveness. Active converters are looking at your free content for the best representation of your products. All of these consumers are valuable.

From Consumption to Conversion

Consumers actively seeking to convert to your brand need only be convinced that the quality of your free products represents the whole of your paid products. They are the easiest to convert and provide the most immediate return on your free content. Undecided consumers typically desire to consume your free product for a period of time until they are persuaded of the need and utility of purchasing your products. Persuasive products that add real value without requiring conversion are the key to this consumer’s eventual transformation. Information seekers are primarily interested in consuming your free products on a regular basis. Consistency in quality and publication keep these viewers visiting your website and content.

Cycle of Growth

The common thread that binds each of these viewers is the desire to consume your product and interact with your brand. Even when no purchase is made, these viewers provide valuable traffic which increases the desirability of your site as an advertising venue. Most important of all, viewers who value your content will share that content with others, expanding the reach of your market and allowing the cycle of content marketing growth to continue.

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