The Champagne Strategy Podcast – Episode 3 – Positioning Strategy

29 June 2020

In this episode we convinced Anton Buchner to take some time out of his busy consulting schedule to talk to us about positioning strategy.

We hear the story about how he fell into this role after working his way up the ranks of the marketing world. Starting his career as a direct mail lacky he moved agency side, then client side and now is a full-time consultant so the breadth of his experience means his perspective is really valuable.

He admits to not being textbook learned, but instead brings a boatload of practical advice that he’s proven works in real life situations.

Learn why he doesn’t believe you should learn about positioning and the area he recommends you should learn about instead.

Hear why Apple and Virgin’s positioning strategy works so well. Learn what an SMOB is.

Lots of juicy nuggets of widsom, tips, tricks, books to read and methods to follow.

A must listen for all marketing professionals, strategists and entrepreneurs.

Teaser Interview

Full Interview

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References Made in the Episode

Breville story

To understand employee, customer and consumer dynamics it can invaluable to look at emotion coaching approaches – often used in parenting

Questions at the End

Books Anton is Reading

A short philosophy of birds, by Philippe J Dubois and Elise Rousseau
The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams
Pole to Pole by Pat Farmer

Favourite Website

Piece of tech they can’t do without

It’s timeless ‘technology’. Your ears. I advise people to listen more. Evolve to truly listen to each other, to customers, to valuable influencers.

Shameless Plug If you’re interested to discuss understanding, defining, aligning and measuring an authentic purpose and the impact that it can make on profit, then please feel free to ask him about a new service – “Step Up”.

Best Method of Contact

Contact Anton directly on +61 414673575 or visit his LinkedIn profile


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This episode was edited and produced by:

John James and Tim Beanland

Sonic Branding by Connor Armstrong

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