The Champagne Strategy Podcast – Episode 7 – Brand Strategy & Valuation

5 July 2020

In this episode we spoke to Edgar Baum about modern brand strategy. Edgar specializes in the field of intangible asset valuation, so his take on how brands are valued is critical to understanding true business value.

Edgar is currently the founder of Avasta, and a lecturer at The University of Toronto. If you look at this work history on LinkedIn, you’ll notice his work history is varied and deep.

There’s the brand marketers who obsess over design on one side and then there’s Edgar Baum on the other. He has mathematically proven the complex relationship between brand and revenue. Edgar is even called as an expert witness in court cases, and has developed an ISO valuation standard. This is the depth and integrity of his knowledge regarding the valuation of intangible assets.

Why is Tesla so valuable? Why are CPG/FMCG brands under attack? Is a brand more than a logo and your brand design guideline document? How does a brand work and why do people buy?

Find out about this and much more. If you’ve a fan of the work that Ehrenberg-Bass is doing in the field of branding, this is the perfect complement to their work and on a similar level of mature discussion.

Warning: not suitable for the brand-fluff marketing types or CFO’s suck in the legacy world of tangible assets. This is a fresh take on the world of branding and could be confronting for many listeners who do not have an open mind.

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References Made in the Episode

Tom Fishburne decision-making bias

Tangible vs intangible assets


Books Edgar is Reading

Neptune’s Brood by Charles Strauss 

Factfullness by Hans Rossling

Favourite Website

Twitter – @naval @xxxx @shl

Piece of tech they can’t do without

Touchpad on the Macbook

Shameless Plug

ISO Brand Evaluation Standard

Avasta Website

Best Method of Contact


[email protected]

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This episode was edited and produced by:

John James and Tim Beanland

Sonic Branding by Connor Armstrong

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