Google Punishes Websites

29 January 2016

The warning signs have been clear for over 2 years but last week Google sent a firm signal that enough is enough.

With the ever-rising surge in mobile device usage in Australia it’s essential that your website is designed just as well for mobiles as it is for laptops or desktops. Your developer or website company has to have a much higher coding knowledge in order to develop your website in a mobile friendly way. Without getting too technical, multiple CSS files need to be created and proportional sizes instead of fixed sizes. In addition, certain elements may need to be removed from your mobile version as you’re dealing with much smaller screen widths.

Many people are unaware that Google displays different results based on which device you are using and how you are connecting to the internet. The results are particularly pronounced when the type of good or service you are searching for is location dependent. In other words, Google knows based on search history, whether the location of the good/service is important in your decision making process.

Take for example the search for a new dentist. Presuming you are using Google to guide your choice, you will predominantly search in one of two ways. Firstly you could use a laptop/desktop/tablet at your house by connecting to a fixed line internet connection. Alternatively, you will use your mobile phone somewhere in your city connected to a mobile internet network to conduct the search. Google will display you different search results when you are typing in exactly the same phrase. The change could be subtle but in the world of SEO, it can be life and death for your Google website traffic.

Throw some mobile un-friendly websites into the mix and things get even more interesting. Now Google won’t even show your website in the mobile search results if it’s not up to scratch.

Our advice, consult a web development professional to advise you how strong your website is when displayed on mobile devices. If you’re running an SEO campaign, make any fixes a priority.

Mobile devices will the the future of internet use. Get on board before it’s too late.

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