The James Hammon Story

Every great company starts with a story

The James Hammon Story

In 2011 Mr Hammon was gaining notoriety for his frequent solo overseas holidays to the California. He’d already developed hundreds of websites for Australian businesses, started an online coffee shop and ran a small web hosting company. This wouldn’t have been remarkable except for the fact that he was still 16 years old, studying at High School.

At the same time Mr James was rounding off his sales and marketing career working in at a digital production company. Having already worked inside global advertising agencies early in his career, he was looking for new challenges above and beyond the standard marketing communications trajectory.

A chance meeting of the minds took place when they both met while working for a large Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) company in Melbourne, Australia.

Advanced SEO techniques require a high depth of online knowledge including front end design, back end development and user behaviour. Capturing someone’s attention with text is far more difficult than using images or video. It proved good training, but both knew they could do more.
Disenfranchised and realising their unique skill sets complemented one another perfectly, they decided to branch out and prove their skillls full-time.

An online coffee shop, Melbourne Micro Roasters was their first test project. A quick re-brand combined with a powerful search marketing campaign proved a resounding success legitimising the potent James Hammon formula.

Word quickly spread throughout the Melbourne business community and the firm attracted a loyal client following.

Today, James Hammon has evolved into a growth marketing agency while the founders continue to roll out successful enterprises. They work together with a tight collective of clients who benefit from their proven modern marketing expertise.

How we approach your problem

10% talk, 40% do, 50% listen

You’ll notice that there’s no shortage of ‘talkers’ in the marketing industry. They can sound quite convincing especially in the digital world which is technically confusing at the best of times. The problem is most talkers are great sales people but poor at delivering.

Practical Hands-on Experience

With a stream of successful business ventures under our belt, people choose us for our sincerity, not our promises. We purposely keep a manageable, tight network of clients who use our depth of knowledge to their advantage. We’re intentionally not ‘the largest’ agency and will never be. In fact we’re very selective and only agree to work with other firms if there is a good ‘brand fit’.

Who we work with

Marketing Managers

As a marketing manager, you want to look good, take credit for success and get promoted. You also need access to reporting which saves you time.

Project Managers

You want to ensure projects run seamlessly without surprises. We know the pitfalls, the ways the project can go wrong and give you this foresight.

Upper Management & Company Boards

You will require expert advice for due diligence – we reduce risk, increase the accuracy of predictions and general oversight.

Small Business Owners

You need to outsource your online marketing – we’re more effective and most likely less expensive than an employee.

Our Team

JH&C has quickly gained a reputation as an outcome-based digital agency focused on providing transparent and tangible results. Our media agnostic & independent advice is in high demand as markets and technology rapidly change.

We take pride in keeping a small tight-knit global team that’s nimble and constantly on the cutting-edge of the newest approaches in an extremely dynamic industry. As the yield from different mediums shifts, so does our strategy.

Supported by a focus on objective data-based decision making our unparalleled depth of expertise means we can make lasting improvements to your company’s competitive ability.


Everyone talks about growth and new sales like it’s an elusive elixir from a far away land. Generating growth is quite easy if you know what you are doing and have the right resources at your disposal.

Growth is media agnostic where initiatives can range from developing a referral program, through to leveraging an influencer on LinkedIn through to more traditional advertising approaches. Marketing is one of the most dynamic and changeable sectors of the economy. Every day we see Australian organisations struggling to respond to disruption or lacking the necessary resources to adapt to rapid change.

We ensure that we’re at the forefront of these emerging trends and technology so you don’t have to worry. We will help provide unique strategies, services and skills to ensure you receive the outcomes your organisation needs to succeed.


We predominantly specialise in medium to large service organisations including a handful of later stage SaaS startups. We have in the past and still do, work with a smaller handful of organisations with physical products although we are highly selective in terms of the clients that we work with.

Industries we are very familiar with include real estate, education, digital goods, health, law, finance, general professional services and industrial products. Many of our clients reside in traditional industries facing emerging disruption and the ever increasing threat of competition. Ask us for an industry example as we can provide case studies pending client permission.


James Hammon and Co. started building websites and performing advanced search optimization together with general promotional marketing for small and medium sized businesses. The firm then specialized in customer acquisition and growth which can include anything from social media, display advertising, advanced tracking, analytics, content marketing and UX. While based in Melbourne, Australia we frequently visit clients around the world and spend much time in Silicon Valley.


Unlike conventional digital marketing agencies, SEO companies and marketing consultants, we don’t just provide a ‘full service’ agency offering – but actually integrate into your organisation and work collaboratively.

Our services can be grouped into key categories: Consulting, Data Analytics, Marketing and Development. Every single client has different needs and we fill the gaps in their capabilities with effective solutions.  No matter what mix is used, our approach aims to transition every brand from a mere competitor in the market place to a leader and eventually, market domination. A bespoke approach allows us to prevent unnecessary expense without compromising on outcomes.










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